
Christmas outfit ideas with LBD

Goodnight to everyone! Hope you are good! Now that Christmas is just round the corner I thought I could show you some outfit ideas for your Christmas dinner with friends or with your family. A basic thing you have to have in your closet it's a little black dress because it's going to save you in a lot of dinners when you don't know what to wear, but not only Christmas ones. So the looks that I created are done with different little black dresses, I tried to do all of them with clothes that the prices are afordable for everyone. Hope you like them!!

Buenas noches a todos y todas! Espero que estéis perfectamente! Ahora que la Navidad está a la vuelta de la esquina pensé que podría enseñaros algunas ideas de outfits para las cenas de Navidad con amigos o con la familia. Una cosa básica que tienes que tener en tu armario es un little black dress porque os salvará en un montón de cenas que no sepáis que poneros, pero no sólo en las de Navidad. Para los looks que he creado están hechos con diferentes little black dresses, he intentado que todos fueran con precios que son asequibles para todos. Espero que os guste!!

LBD Outfit

LBD outfit 2

LBD outfit 3

Julia Coldwell